
Thursday, December 16, 2021

My Magic Trick

Summer Learning Journey 

Today I did the Magic maths for the Summer Learning Journey it was really Fun

My Vector Art

Today I made Vector Art I made a Decoration and a self portrait for the Summer Learning Journey

Hope you like it

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

My Google Arts And Culture Part 2


Today I made a google art drawing this relates to term 3 when we learned about space I learnt about Saturn and how we could survive there and the things we would bring.

Hope you like them!!

Today I did the Summer Learning Journey You can win heaps and heaps of prizes

Summer Learning Journey

Today I did the Summer Learning Journey You can win heaps and heaps of prize I did spread the word

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My Google Arts And Culture Painting

Today I made a google art drawing this relates to term 3 when we learned about space I learnt about Saturn and how we could survive there and the things we would bring.

Hope you like them!!


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Percentage Art

Click Here

The Carnival



Footsteps slowly creaked in my hallway. My door handle turned slowly. I put my head under my blankets before I could see the person. I froze in shock with goosebumps all over my body. I fell asleep and I woke up in my kitchen I yelled “Mum, Dad” 

A voice growled “what's wrong Samara?” 

I screamed “get away” because their eyes were different colours. I got up and ran outside. It was pitch black. I ran to the local supermarket. I told them what happened but they did not believe me. I walked down the street and I saw a scary doll. I decided to keep it to keep me company. I walked like a turtle to an alleyway. It was bright outside and I could hear screaming. I put down the doll and I saw its eyes move. The doll said “Lalalalalala”


I threw the doll in the bin. I could see it move in the corner of my eye. I ran to a Supermarket and I saw the local news that said “There's a haunted doll.” I screamed NOOOOO I walked away in anger.

I heard the “Lalalalalala” in my ear, Then I say my mum, dad, and Anameka, I was really confused but I thought they were MY REAL FAMILY, I hugged them tight but my dad squeezed me to tight I felt like I was gonna choke, My dad's eyes turned red I took Anamekas hand she said

“What's going on” I said “dads a demon” Anameka screamed we sprinted as fast as we could to Royal and Evie’s house I knocked on there door Royal answered and Royal said “why are you here” I said “ Someone has been in my house AND THEY KNOW MY NAME”

Royal said “ well they must have looked at your passport of birth certificate” I said “true can I stay with you we feel like I am in trouble and like I am getting stalked” Royal said “ok I'll ask my mum” I saw a hammer I hid it in the bush royal came out and said “I am so sorry Samara and Anameka my mum said no'' I said “it's ok” The bush I put the hammer in the doll was lying in there I grabbed the doll and the hammer and smashed the dolls head and took it to the museum and told the worker “this doll is haunted” the worker looked at me weirdly and said “ok” I walked away I knocked on my door and My real mum and dad answered they talked the same and they had the same eye colour I thought the doll must have been a curse. I was so happy Anameka and I walked slowly to our room waiting for us bag of chips. Anameka and I were so confused but we ate them so fast. Then we lived happily ever after  

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

My Pixel Art


Today in CRT we used pixel art [on google sheets]

Hope you like it

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

My Oma

 My Oma

Her height is as short as a 10 year old. I am up to her nose and I am 9. Her nose is wrinkly, soft, and shiny. Her ears are normal. Her eyes are hazel like a dark forest. Like mine and my dads She has wrinkly soft skin. Her legs are short and strong. Her skin is wrinkled up like a raisin. She has gold fillings in her teeth. Her arms are skinny like a branch off a tree. Her hair is grey, with a bit of red dye, she has an Afro like Bob Ross´s. She loves her yoga clothes and her black with a grey t shirt over top the black thermal.

Her laugh is so loud and weird and it's super funny. She's fit and walks with joy, she's a healthy human. She has a warm loving heart, and always gives heaps of warm cuddles. Her voice is soft, kind and lovely and it makes me feel very happy and loved. She tells us stories about our family from when she was young, and our Opa. She doesn't have a job but she works hard in the garden everyday. Her hobbies are Mahjong and yoga. She Loves them both.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My Song

Hello Guys Samara Here Hope you like my song I am really nervous posting this, I never have really sang Before in front of people but I do jam and sing with my radio at night , Hope you like it.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Marble run


This Morning we did a Marble run with CRT. My Buddies were Evie and Stella. 

We had to make a structure and we had to drop the marble in the structure the marble had to go At least 3 Metres with 2 bits of A4 paper and 2 bits of paper.

Our marble rolled more than 3 metres, We were successful because we communicated with each other, Next time we could try Making no gaps in the paper.

Have you ever made a marble run?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The door fairy

I wrote a letter to the door fairy and she wrote back and said:

Hello Samara

it was lovely to get your note. my name is Elvenia

[this means magical being] I like lots of music and songs I really like singing dancing and practicing my guitar At the moment I love the song ENOUGH FOR YOU have you heard it? My favourite book is Harry Potter. The flash on a phone scares fairy's. we have a fairy community called Twylyth Teg. 232 fairies live there. we are very small in size [sometimes even invisible] I do see you when your sleeping 

Those who do not believe in fairy's

Will never find it.

Fairy kisses from Elvenia XX

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Saturday, August 28, 2021

My Creative grid.

More than 12 words that rhyme with house, Mouse, spouse, louse and that's all I got. Now the animal I call it the Foxling. my foxling can fly higher then a plane in the sky. its a home pet its breath smells like lolliepops. and the foxling eats chocolate cake. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

My Lockdown level 4 maths

 250ml - 35ml = 

250mls - 30mls = 220mls - 5mls = 215mls

      2.5 lt - 750mls

2.5 lts - 500mls = 2lt.- 200mls = 1.8lt - 50mls =1.75lts.

Planet research

What would I need to survive on Saturn?
  • Hydrogen and helium compose 99.5% of the gasses the flying colony would have access to.
Why don't other planets have the 5 systems earth does?
  • Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has amounts of water on it.
  • There is little to no oxygen on Saturn.
What planet would be the safest to live on and why?
  • Mars is the most safe place due to several reasons.
  • It isn't to hot or to cold.
  • Gravity on mars is 38% of earths gravity.
How come earth is the only planet people can live on?

  •  It is the right distance from the Sun
  • it is protected from harmful solar radiation.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Straw tower Challenge


Today my group had to make a tower out of straws.
It was really Really cool our team came 2nd with 1.13 metres long.
 The people who judged were Dominic and Jane.
The first thing we made was a plan we planed out the structures and we we would put the straws  
The buddies I had was Stella and Meah. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

New Zealand History


New Zealand Aotearoa was settled by migrants from the 1300’s

to today. People had to change to come to Aotearoa.

Polynesion Migration

Kupe and his wife Kuramarotini were the first to arrive at

Aotearoa. Kuramarotini was the first to see Aotearoa.

Kupe followed the star's, sun, moon, planets and water currents.

Kuramarotini called out He Aotearoa, the Land of the long white

cloud. Kuramarotini named New Zealand Aotearoa.

The Treaty of Waitangi

The treaty of Waitangi was written by William Hobson.

Henry Williams translated the treaty into 2 different languages.

The Treaty of Waitangi was an arrangement of peace and land

used between the British and the Maori. Hone Heke signed first.

Unfortunately, British broke their promises.

Did you know over 500 Maori chiefs signed the Treaty?

European Settlers

By 1850 the early European settlers arrived in New Zealand

for farming. The boat ride took 6 weeks from England

to New Zealand. The first family to arrive in New Zealand for the

early settlers was the Dean family. The boys did the outside work

like shooting animals like wild rabbits, wild pigs and wild horses.

The girls did the inside work like cleaning, washing, cooking and



Life was not the same for Maori and European.

European people had to bring everything with them

- animals, tools and weapons. Maori lived off the land.

People changed when they came to New Zealand.

The people already in New Zealand had to change too.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Math Problem

Hope you like it.

Monday, June 28, 2021

My Math Problem

Comment down what you think the answer is 

Hope you like it

By Samara

Friday, June 25, 2021

My Favourite Quick writes

 Quick write 1

The most Outrageous reason school might be finishing early is King Kong is coming to do learning he might go rage and smash everything but the teacher's my not be safe but they said yes to it then Godzilla will come from 3 p.m. till 6 p.m. he might spray acid and kill everyone why do you think school is closing early?

My Favourite Quick write.

Quick write 1

I would rather be a leader of a small country like Fiji. Because my favourite country is Fiji it has boiling beaches. When I went to Castaway Island in Fiji I was scared of the fish. Fiji has kind warm hearted people also lovely flowers and when It rains the rain is hot the sodas are the best!!!!! Have you been to Fiji?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

My Kupe Avatar.

Have you heard of kupe if you haven't you must be living under a rock
I know this kupe avatar is not good but I tried.

My Kupe Animation/ the story of the journey.

This is my story of early migration/ Kupe's journey.

Hope you like it

Friday, June 11, 2021

All About Me!!!!

 My favourite animal is a fox.

My favourite Food is BBQ Crackers.

My favourite Subject is Writing.

My favourite Teacher is Kathy.

My favourite Sport is Touch Rugby.

My worst injury is clicking my neck.

My favourite Drink is water.

My favourite friend is Evie, Stella, Anameka and Indi May.

My name is Samara.

My favourite name is Jazmen.

My favourite Country is France

My brother's name is Jordan.

My Mums name is Nicola

My dad's name is Kurt

My nickname is Mara

spokey storys.

 Once there was a house on top of a hill. It was a haunted house. No one was living in it until one day. Someone buys the house and Living inside is a ghost. The ghost Will not leave the house. And will not let the people leave otherwise he will haunt them...

Hope I did not scare you...

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021

My NZ Poster in 1850s

This week I was given a task to make a poster from 1850 and here it is. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021

My Quick Write

I would rather my laugh sound like a fart. Because I never really laugh. At least it does not smell like a fart.

I do not want to have fart breath. Because I smile lots and it will smell. When I breathe it will smell. When I'm puffed it will smell.

My Favourite Quick writes.

Quick write 1

my favourite movie is the Titanic because it shows the kind people who gave up their seats on lifeboats. Did you know that if they had binoculars they would have not smashed the iceberg. it also is my favourite actor in the Titanic: Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie with Laden 1997 what's your favourite movie? What's your favourite actor? I tried not to spoil.

Quick write 2

if leaves more money I would be rich. I would buy a TV, house and lots more. no one will be poor. But I am not sure.

In winter all the money will go. In autumn they will be purple and orange. Purple is $50 orange is $5.

In summer they will be green which will be $10.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

If I was famous for anything it would be...

If I was famous for anything it would be a famous actor. Because I love watching movies yesterday I watch big it's a good movie. My two favourite movies are Forrest Gump and the Titanic. My actor name would be Samara. I would be on famous birthdays. I wonder if I could be as good as Kate Winslet. I might win an award.

I also want to be a famous catch rugby player. Because it's my favourite sport. when there is touch out on the reserve I look over my red fence and watch.

my and Millah's Hone heke Interview

At School we had to learn about the treaty of Waitangi for 2 weeks it was really interesting. My buddy was my friend Millah. She found it interesting to. Have you ever learn about the treaty of waitangi? I think you should!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Samara MakeyMakey

Our MakeyMakey Is a Robot That I made into a controller. My group Chose to make 4 of Hearts. It was really easy to make. The picture of us is our plan. The hearts are made out of Play-Doh. We coloured it in with crayons. It was really confusing at the start but then we got used to it. I worked with my two friends Stella and Kathryn.  


it was really easy to use. Until we got to PAC Man it was quite hard but then We got used to it. MakeyMakey as an invention kit. My controls work up down left and right.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My forms.


Comment Which One You Would Chose.

Monday, May 10, 2021

My gragh